what do you do when things just won't go the way you want? what do you do when your dreams seem to be further away that they were yesterday? at first, you become angry and don't understand what have you done to deserve the things that are happening to you; and then you cry, you cry your heart out...after that you can accept the state of things in your life and maybe laugh about it; this is the point when other people may think you're crazy, but that's the only way you'll manage not to became insane. now, in what state are you? me, i'm kinda' between them, but the scars are starting to heal...
sâmbătă, noiembrie 07, 2009
nothing goes my way...
what do you do when things just won't go the way you want? what do you do when your dreams seem to be further away that they were yesterday? at first, you become angry and don't understand what have you done to deserve the things that are happening to you; and then you cry, you cry your heart out...after that you can accept the state of things in your life and maybe laugh about it; this is the point when other people may think you're crazy, but that's the only way you'll manage not to became insane. now, in what state are you? me, i'm kinda' between them, but the scars are starting to heal...
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4 comentarii:
Daca rana este adanca nu se vindeca asa usor si zambetul iti dispare pentru o luuunga perioada de timp.Iar timpul asta e un doctor prost:vindeca ranile incet si cu dureri,nu-ti da nimic sa-ti amelioreze suferinta.
Presupui,ca o conditie de la sine inteleasa,ca trebuie sa accepti starea de fapt a lucrurilor si sa treci mai departe.Consider asta o eroare.De ce dreq sa mai zambesti (sa nu zic sa razi)?Este exact cum ai spune ca ceea ce ai simtit atunci cand ai plans a fost fals,was a joke...
"Asta e singura cale sa nu innebunesti"...Poate ca e mai bine,pentru ca oricum traim intr-o lume nebuna.De ce sa facem parte nota discordanta?
Am inteles.Asta e modul tau de a te proteja,de a te vindeca si de a merge mai departe in viata.Foarte bine,nu am nimic de comentat.
Dar difera total de modul meu.
Eu sunt nicaieri, insa ma bucur ca tu esti pe drumul cel bun. :)
radu...acum nu mai sunt asa sigura ca sunt pe drumul ala bun :))atunci cand credeam ca o sa fie ok s-a mai dus ceva pe apa sambetei...
eu inca mai cred ca e imposibil sa fie numai rau pe lumea asta. intodeauna exista si ceva de bine trebuie doar sa crezi si sa vrei sa vezi si partea buna. nu o sa mergi niciodata mai departe daca pui ochii in pamant si nu vezi decat ce e rau. eu nu pot sa fac asa..sufar o vreme apoi trec peste altfel ce rost ar mai avea sa traim? prefer sa traiesc cu speranta viitorului decat cu durerile trecutului.
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